Tiered rewards bar in cart
Gamify your theme's native cart by adding a progress bar with tiered rewards (free shipping, gifts etc) at different cart value milestones
Gift with purchase
Auto add gifts to a customer's cart based on their eligibility criteria or give them a choice to select gifts from multiple options
Pre-checkout upsells
Display highly targeted and relevant upsells/cross sells at the product and cart pages to nudge customers to add more products to their order
Subscription upgrade
Add an upgrade widget (Subscribe and Save) in your theme's native cart to increase your subscriber base. Works will all subscription apps
Nudge buyers to upgrade to a bundle or give volume discounts for purchasing multiple quanties on the product page
Post checkout upsell
Display targted upsells & cross sells after an order is placed, right before the 'thank you' page. Works with just a single click & is high converting